Want to build a successful business?Follow the Leader not Monkey See Monkey Do!

You remember the term Monkey See, Monkey Do. Notice how Wikipedia describes the term: "Monkey see, monkey do is a pidgin-style saying that appeared in American culture in the early 1920s. The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works. Another definition implies the act of mimicry, usually with limited knowledge and/or concern for the consequences."
Presumably a person who follows the trend of Monkey See monkey do can never be a leader. Why? Because if their leader jumps off a bridge they will also, with out asking or knowing why. Likewise if you mimic a business owner and don't understand their process, if they make poor decisions in their business so will you. If they decide to close their doors so will you. It happens on a daily basis, especially in the Affiliate Marketing and MLM type of industries. The Monkey See monkey do tactic seeks to create followers or unmotivated individuals, to teach them the importance of submitting to leader without asking a single question.
Why is it important to follow leaders in your industry? Leaders teach others how to be leaders. A leaders number one goal is to ensure that your followers are performing at their highest peaks and understand why they need to. They prompt their followers to overcome their limitations and fears. Leaders encourage their followers to be the leaders of tomorrow while never being concerned that they're leadership will be replaced. This is EXACTLY why you should follow leaders.
The best way to grow your business is to find inspiration from leaders in business.
Identify what industry you are in or aspire to be in. Whether you're a service business, manufacturer, retailer, or some other type of business, you want to know your industry inside and out. Everything in your industry that happens outside of your business will affect your company. After identifying what industry you're in, do a simple google search of what businesses are leading in your industries. Read your industry leaders interviews, follow them on social media and get engaged by attending their events and workshops that they attend. Learn the who's who in your industry and don't just follow them but learn their ways. UNDERSTAND their processes.
Pay attention to leading trends in your industry. Don't get left behind in last years business tactics. Pay attention to how the leaders in your industry elevate. The object of this isn't to follow their every move but to always be 10 steps ahead of them. It's possible. How many times do you hear of Moguls purchasing others businesses for millions of dollars? Why does this happen? Because their followers paid attention to what they needed to grow their business or provided a solution to an issue that they didn't think to fix.
If you're business isn't backed by passion and motivation that's stemmed by you it will not grow. It's needs you'r leadership to stand for years to come. Learn from the best in order to become the best and surpass the best.
Follow Leaders not Monkeys (besides their not even human)!
Do you have a business that you would like to see lead in it's industry? Make Your Dreams Come True Corporation is designed to make business dreams into reality while prompting all their clients to be leaders in their industries.