We're just a team of committed creatives, dedicated to helping you BUILD, INSPIRE and CONQUER! We have one job and that's to make your business dreams a reality!
Meet The Team

Natasha Lee-Maxwell
Chief Executive Officer, Consultant & Brand Ambassador
When you meet Natasha for the first time, you know you have encountered one of those people who will move mountains to help you achieve your dreams. She applies her expansive skill set and tireless work ethic to every project she sets out to conquer, whether personal, for the community, or for her clients. A creative professional and business enthusiast, Natasha Lee-Maxwell is a Business Consultant and CEO of MYDCT Corp, who has taken the business world by storm. Read More

Shante Harris
Partner & Brand Ambassador
Mompreneur Shante Harris is making her way in the entrepreneurial world. With an extensive background in HR, customer service, and quality assurance, Shante has an incredible set of skills honed to help people be the best in their industry. Providing quality virtual service is her specialty and passion. Shante also provides Brand Ambassador services. While working at an aerospace engineering plant, Shante acquired a unique array of experiences that have given her the backbone and strength to withstand the grueling pace an entrepreneur must follow to be successful. Read More.

Erikka Yvonne
Detroit Wix Designer, Consultant & Brand Ambassador
Detroit Native, Creative Maven, and Changemaker, Erikka Yvonne has 5+ years of experience professionally creating and designing for local and national purpose-driven brands through her agency, EYCO Agency! She loves everything branding; which led her joining the Detroit WIX Team and MYDCT Brand Ambassador to further assist individuals to develop and enhance a visually strong web presence to reach their audience. Read More
We Make Business Dreams A Reality!

Pamela Gurley
Business Plan Curator &
Grant Writer
Dr. Pamela Gurley is the founder and CEO of Clark and Hill Enterprise; Co-founder and Host #Herspiration Happy Hour podcast; Adjunct Professor for the Florida Institute of Technology’s MBA program; Board Chair of Rohns Community Development (nonprofit); and Vice President of Saving Her Elegance (nonprofit). She brings a wealth of business experience to the #herspiration movement.
Since June 2014, Pamela Gurley has served as the Supervisory Budget Officer, having funding responsibilities domestically and in five international countries in four regions (Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Johannesburg, South Africa; Brussels, Belgium; Manila, Philippines; and London, United Kingdom). Read More

Latoya Early
Professional Development & Business Coach
LaToya Early is founder and President of Chase Great
EnterprisesTM, a multifaceted coaching and training resource
for innovators seeking purpose-driven business and lifestyle
development. LaToya is a wife, woman of God, mother of
3 and purpose enthusiast who has committed her life to
providing faith based internal development strategies to
emerging entrepreneurs.
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Gael Gilliland
Business Biography & Content Writer
Gael Gilliland always wanted to be a writer. From a young age she had the desire and drive to master the written word and help people tell their stories, both business and personal. Through a roundabout journey she has made it as a career writer. College, kids, marriage, loss and moving cross-country has led to a entertaining tale of ups and downs and finding her way back to herself. Feel free to ask her about how she got here.