Seasonal Flowers
Hello again, nature lovers! Are you ready for winter? While I'm not particularly fond of extremely cold weather, neither is extremely hot weather my friend. Because I'm hot-natured, my favorite seasons are spring and fall, but one thing I do love about all four seasons is that there is beauty in all of them.
Take, for example, flowers. Just because many types can't withstand cold climates, that doesn't mean we have to brace wintertime with no beautiful, brightly-colored floral arrangements in our gardens. Even though I have yet to do my fall and winter planting, my favorite cold-season flower is the pansy. I also like to mix mine with ornamental, purple and white kale/cabbage plants.
Some flowers, such as the pretty, bright pink azaleas in this post even bloom heartily into late fall. These belong to my mother-in-law and next door neighbor. I took this picture just last week, and as you can see, they are extraordinarily beautiful! The bush was full of blooms, but I mainly focused on getting closeups.
These pretty, yellow, container garden pansies were on my front porch this past January when we got our first winter freeze in Georgia. They survived the ice storm and even some of the really warm temperatures until I replaced them in late spring with warmer weather plants.
So regardless of what time of year it is, you can always find beautiful seasonal flowers for your garden. What are some of your favorites?
From my heart to yours!
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